Become FRIEND and Supporter of Hindorama
Dear reader of Hindorama,
Do you appreciate the contributions about Surinamese-Hindotan culture on the Hindorama site and do you think that these contributions meet a need? Then support our action ‘Friend and supporter of Hindorama’.
What does this action mean?
All contributions on the Hindorama site are written by a group of volunteer employees. These contributions can be read for free. The site also has a digital library where interested parties can find free background information about Surinamese-Hindotan culture. The group of volunteer employees writes articles for this site without any interest, but the preservation of the site obviously costs. For this, we desperately need your support.
Your support
We appreciate it if you want to contribute a minimum of twenty five euros (€25) annually as a friend and supporter of Hindorama. It is important that with your contribution we can continue the site and in doing so you help to inform and inspire the Surinamese-Hindotan community about its own culture.
Friend and supporter of Hindorama
Upon receipt of your contribution, your name may be included on the Hindorama website under the heading ‘Friends of Hindorama’ without mentioning the amount donated. Of course it is possible to donate but to choose to remain anonymous. We also appreciate it if you would like to alert people in your area to the possibility of becoming a friend and supporter of Hindorama. If you are not (yet) familiar with Hindorama, please check out our website: and for more information please email us to:
Method of payment
Manual transfer: You can deposit your contribution into account IBAN NL53 INGB 0007 3722 30 in the name of Sampreshan under the words ‘Friend of Hindorama 2023’. If you wish to remain anonymous, you can state this as follows: ‘Friend of Hindorama: anonymous’. Please include your address at the description. Sampreshan is the administrator of Hindorama website.
Donation form: DONATE >>
Friends make the difference!
In advance my heartfelt thanks
Radjin Thakoerdin
Sampreshan | Hindorama
Also on behalf of the voluntary employees,
Kanta Adhin | Ranjan Akloe | Akash Baboeram | Rabin Baldewsingh | Chan Choenni | Sabitrie Gangapersad | Eric Kastelein | Rajiv Malik | Savitrie Marhe | Radj Ramcharan | Shiwdatt Ramdharie | Hans Ramsoedh
Uitgeverij / Communicatiebureau & Producent van website HINDORAMA.COM
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